In need of emergency dental services?

Alberto Lambert

We all know that medical emergencies happen very often, and it can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. We are actually more aware of what condition or scenario is to be considered as a medical emergency or not. But are we that knowledgeable when it comes to dental emergencies? When do we need emergency dental services? A friendly dentist in Campbelltown can make things clear for us and give us some pointers about dental emergencies.


We all know that medical emergencies happen very often, and it can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. We are actually more aware of what condition or scenario is to be considered as a medical emergency or not. But are we that knowledgeable when it comes to dental emergencies? When do we need emergency dental services? A friendly dentist in Campbelltown can make things clear for us and give us some pointers about dental emergencies.


Dental emergency services

Here are some dental emergency cases that need the services of your dentist as soon as possible.


Tooth fracture

Don’t get us wrong. Not all tooth fractures are considered emergency cases. If it is just minor chipping with no pain or discomfort, then maybe you can sleep on it and go to your dentist the next day. But if the crack is moderate to severe, causing you to have sharp edges on your tooth that may hurt the inside of your cheeks or your tongue, and may even cause tooth sensitivity and pain, you have to go immediately to an emergency dentist.



Yes, we know that an infection does not happen overnight. It, of course, develops in a span of days and weeks. However, some oral infections are asymptomatic or do not have any signs of infection, so knowing you have one may be difficult. If you feel pain or swelling on your jaw, experience difficulty in breathing for swallowing, or you feel that the pain will not let you sleep at night, it is time to get the emergency dental services of the nearest dentist.



Basically, all dental-related pain should be considered as a dental emergency. Why? Because what may be a slight tingling sensation may mean nerve damage in the long run. The mildness or severity of the pain may not necessarily mean a mild or severe case as well. So just to be sure, treat all pain-related dental complain as a dental emergency.



Another sign of infection, however, not all tooth or gum abscess are painful. However, if pus is present in your oral cavity, it is important to have a dentist check on this as soon as possible. Because the teeth have nerves underneath and inside each root, the chances of spreading the infection to the bloodstream and other body parts and vital organs like the heart and brain are high.


What dental emergency services can be offered?

dental emergency

Emergency dentists are trained to handle dental procedures that need immediate attention. They are skilled to perform dental treatments like filling and tooth recovery for tooth fractures, root canal, tooth extraction, prescription of antibiotics, among others. They can also assess your condition and determine if further medical assistance is needed to treat a dental injury.


Tips to prevent dental emergencies

No one is exempted from an emergency situation. And no matter how hard to prepare for it, sometimes, it is never enough. Here are some of the things you can do to somehow lessen the possibility of you having a dental emergency in an accident or injury.

Watch what you eat. Avoid eating hard foods that may fracture your teeth.

Avoid contact sports. If you really want to have an active lifestyle, it is better if you stick to track and field activities that do not require contact with other players. Running marathons, triathlons, biking, swimming, or mountain climbing are active sports that can be performed individually is better if you want to avoid trauma.

Wear mouthguards. If you are really into team sports, it is best to wear custom-fitted mouthguards to protect your mouth from sudden blows or contact to the face.

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