Remember These Pressure Points For Toothache Relief

Alberto Lambert

Acupressure is now recognized by a few people as the best alternative solution in their overall wellness. Using one’s fingers for pressure points, the technique releases stress felt in the body. A chiropractor often helps patients with toothaches by soothing the pressure points for toothache relief.


Have you tried doing your tasks while under an unbearable pain? Try experiencing toothaches. People instantly becomes sensitive whenever there are dental problems that they are bearing. While you may prefer traditional medicine or an appointment to a dentist immediately, there are also ways to do this naturally. Acupressure is now recognized by a few people as the best alternative solution in their overall wellness. Using one’s fingers for pressure points, the massage technique releases stress felt in the body. A chiropractor often helps patients with toothaches by soothing the pressure points for toothache relief.

Issues That Cause Toothache

A dental problem such as toothaches is very hard to determine. Then again, causes for toothaches are instantly a flick of an idea. The main cause of toothaches are usually bacteria growing in your mouth. Brushing your teeth properly avoids gum bleeding, plaque, and tartar buildup. Sensitive gums happen when there is inflammation or swelling due to these dental problems as well. Proper dental care is still the best remedy to prevent situations such as toothaches. You can save your money and time from additional financial concerns through checking your oral hygiene.

Pressure Points For Toothache Relief

Believe it or not, there are certain organs in the body that contribute to the pressure points for toothache relief. Before doing this technique yourself, schedule an appointment with a professional acupressure doctor. Home remedies are done by a person who is familiar with the practice or a consistent patient already. The tips below are important to remember for future references.

  • Stomach 36: ST36

Stomach pressure point (ST36) is another similar point to the previously mentioned example. However, the pressure point is instead located below a person’s kneecap.  This point is a relief for nausea, tiredness, and stress.

  • Small Intestine 18: SI18pressure points for toothache

Small Intestine pressure point (SI18) is located just below the eyes and near the cheekbone edges. This pressure point gives relief on swollen gums due to infection and tooth decay.

  • Large Intestine 4: LI4

Large Intestine point (LI4) is an area in-between a person’s index finger connecting the thumb. In detail, you can press the skin beside the second knuckle of your index finger and the thumb.  Pressure applied to this point is used for stress, migraines, and neck problems.

  • Gall Bladder 21: GB21

Gall Bladder pressure point (GB21) location sits on a person’s shoulder and side area of the neck. Relief focuses on facial problems, neck issues, and any form of headaches.

  • Stomach 6: ST6

Stomach pressure point (ST6) is one of the pressure points for toothache and other possible mouth problems. In order to locate this pressure point, a person needs to clench one’s teeth together. As a result, the muscle is in-between the corner of the mouth and the bottom of the earlobe.

Always remember to seek professional help from a chiropractor, or an acupressure expert before doing any of the steps mentioned.

When To Seek A Dentist’s Help

As enthusiastic as we all are for a natural approach, it is still recommended to schedule an appointment with the dentist. Any further swelling or bleeding indicates that the problem requires dental professional help. Acupressure isn’t advised for pregnant women or those who recently experienced serious trauma or injury. A diagnosis for the toothache is a great way to detect any further oral concerns.

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