What Are The Dangers Of Botox Injections? (7 Long-Term Dental Effects)

Alberto Lambert

Staying young can be tedious with the many procedures and expensive treatments that come along with it. Several cosmetic clinics may also recommend the use of Botox® for both medical and dental treatments. However, it is common to ask what are the dangers of botox injections, given that it is still a toxin. A cosmetic dental specialist must first determine if the patient is applicable to get botulinum toxin.


Staying young can be tedious with the many procedures and expensive treatments that come along with it. Several cosmetic clinics may also recommend the use of Botox® for both medical and dental treatments. However, it is common to ask what are the dangers of botox injections, given that it is still a toxin. A cosmetic dental specialist must first determine if the patient is applicable to get botulinum toxin. Regardless of its many adverse side effects, professional and well-trained cosmetic doctors or dentists can still offer services for botox for almost anyone today. 


The History Of Botox In Medical And Dental Procedures

Over the years, the benefits of medical technology and the discovery of botox paved the way for human efforts in preserving life. Anti aging treatments like botox are followed by the use of stem cells, transplants, regeneration, and even cryogenics (freezing of body parts). On the other hand, there is a rise in demand for the use of botox injections for men and women with age range 20 to 29 years old. According to the American Society Of Plastic Surgeons, an estimate of seven million people received botox injections last 2018. Botox injection was first experimented on ophthalmology for people with symptoms of headache and pain on the side of their eyes. On dental results, onabotulinumtoxina injection is useful for TMJ disorders.


Why Do Patients Prefer Botox For Their Mouth?

Aging and health issues are interrelated since one factor of illnesses involves signs of aging. A body’s lifespan is limited, and among the first to show aging are your hands, eyes, lips, neck, hair, and knees. The side effects of aging, notably on the mouth, can be risky for a person’s health. The usual complaints of patients that ask for botulinum injection are the drooping side effects. But, botox is noninvasive, fast, and the results may be felt after a few weeks. Moreover, it is painless so that patients may have a striking difference of a before and after treatment. Yet, there are still risks with the side effects of botox injection. It would be best if you asked your trusted surgeon on what are the dangers of botox injections and its side effects as soon as you ask for an appointment


7 Dangers Of Botox Injections In Dentistry

What Are The Dangers Of Botox Injections Dentistry

It is not taboo for professionals of the medical and dental field, as well as their patients, about the side effects of Botox. Many enthusiasts of this treatment may not be in the loop for the long term side effects of botox injections. What are the dangers of botox injections for the teeth, tongue, mouth, and other oral and facial structures?


1. Too Many Botox Procedures Will Reverse Its Initial Goals

According to plastic surgeons and cosmetic doctors, too many procedures of injections at a shorter time frame can make your muscles and soft tissues weaker. It is evident in patients that get botox for their forehead wrinkles, lines, or crow’s feet. Moreover, the lips and its features are generally tricky and complicated to treat. Only get your botox when you need it, not because you feel like it. 


2. Allergic Reactions

Patients that get treatment with an injection for the first time may not be aware of the side effects. A simple migraine or swelling of the muscle area where the treatment was done can have higher risks of getting allergies. Before having a botox injection, it may be best to disclose any possibilities of allergies that you have. Moreover, some tests can determine if the patient has allergies on specific drugs or medicine.    


3. Dizziness, Nausea, Vomiting

Botox injections, as mentioned earlier, is a drug formulated from the original bacteria that may cause stiff muscles, skin, and tissues. At first, patients may feel that there are no risks or symptoms of the pain in the stomach or forehead. But, a few hours can generate more health problems. According to a 2017 news, a gas station with botulinum bacteria poisoning made their nacho cheese toxic. Several people have died despite the early signs of dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. 


4. Spread Of Toxin

Eventually, the toxin may spread into the other parts of your face and can be a cause of death. Although many scientists and medical experts claim that Botox® and its toxin won’t spread to other areas. Yet, it is best to be safe from the bruising side – effects of the spread of toxin just to regain your beauty back. Don’t neglect the risks of toxic ingredients in botox. 


5. Recurring Unknown Causes Of Toothache

Are you aware of the benefits of botox for bruxism or teeth grinding? Many dental specialists use botox injections to stop the gums and tissues from rubbing against each other. However, there are certain cases where botox injections have side effects like recurring jaw pain or toothaches. Long term sessions for a firmer and younger look can have adverse problems that you may not expect. You can ask your dentist or dental specialist if there are other causes of dental problems that come with Botox® treatment. 


6. May Cause Paralysis In The Long Run

What Are The Dangers Of Botox Injections

Botulism, a rare and potentially deadly illness, comes from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The effects of injection on your face are tiredness, breathing problems, blurred vision, and trouble moving the jawbone. Paralysis is the first stage out of the many effects of this injection. There are many cases and study that prove what the dangers of botox injections and its purest form for people are. It would be best if you had a second opinion from getting your cosmetic enhancements before venturing out in paying for the injection cost. 


7. Sore Throat, Dry Mouth

Lastly, if you had previous health problems and your botox treatment is causing you to get a sore throat or dry mouth, it may be best to stop the procedures first. A doctor can diagnose if you have conflicting medicines and drugs that result in this side effect. Moreover, your dentist or ENT surgeon can treat your sore throat or dry mouth before resuming the noninvasive Botox®. 

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